5.1 Restrictions for folders and files (SMB)
EBF Files limitations primarily apply to the handling of directories and files within the server and corresponding application. For example, Microsoft Windows file restrictions apply to file operations within the application which are manifested in any respective containers.
- Directory and file names are not case sensitive
- Directory and file component names must not be longer than 255 characters
- Directory names cannot end with slash (/). If specified, it will be removed automatically
- File names cannot end with slash (/)
- Reserved URL characters must be encoded
- The following characters are not allowed: “ \ / : | < > * ?
Invalid URL path characters are not allowed. Codes like \uE000 are valid in NTFS filenames, but not other Unicode characters. For example control characters (0x00 to 0x1F, \u0081, etc.) are not allowed. For the rules for Unicode strings in HTTP/1.1, see RFC 2616, Section 2.2: Basic Rules and RFC 3987
The following file names referencing ports and destinations are not allowed: LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, PRN, AUX, NUL, CON, CLOCK$, dot (.), two dots (..)
5.2 Restrictions for working with files on SharePoint On-Premise
For EBF Files accessing SharePoint files it is necessary, that library settings for each site are set to not require a checkout before editing.
This settings can be found in the site’s document library settings in the versioning page as shown below:
5.3 Supported file extensions
EBF Files supports a limited set of extension types that can be opened/viewed and edited:
- MsWord (.doc,…)
- MsExcel (.xls, …)
- MsPowerPoint (.ppt,…)
- Pdf (.pdf)
- Audio (wide range of audio file extensions): Compatibility depends on the supported codecs of the OS.
- Image (wide range of image file extensions): Compatibility depends on the supported codecs of the OS.
- Text (.txt)
- Video (MOV, MP4): Compatibility depends on the supported codecs of the OS.
All other file types are shown in the file list but can not be opened.